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Subject: Tips for improving workplace health
I just read a great article in Living Today Magazine on tips for improving workplace health. I think we should distribute it to the other managers and have them pass it along to their team members.
The information concerning computer monitors was particularly interesting. I often experience eyestrain and headaches, and the tips in the article seem like they could really help.
I have a copy of the article if you need one. Why don’t you look it over and let me know what you think?
1. What is the main topic of the article?
A. The results of the a survey on workplace health
B. Ways to relieve health problems at work
C. The health risks associated with stress
D. Technologies that improve workplace health
2. According to the article, what is the cause of general on-the-job discomfort?
A. A lack of movement
B. Poor monitor position
C. A busy schedule
D. Working overtime
3. Which activity does the article NOT recommend?
A. Replacing old office equipment
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