
根据对近几年各省市出现的有关教育教学作文的整理分析,大致分为3类:1. 和新课标理念紧密相关类;2. 英语教学类的意见;3.对社会上教育现象类的看法。对于该类作文,考生需要在了解新课标相关理念的基础上,结合英语的学科特色,熟悉英语知识、英语技能的教学基本原则。具体来说,对于“how to”型的作文,需要考生结合教学法知识、课标理念谈谈方法,给出具体的建议和实施方法,而对比观点类作文则要求考生在分析观点时能有自己较为客观、全面的认识。培养:cultivate (v.); foster(v.); nurture(v.)促进学生身心发展:promote the students’ physical, mental (or intellectual) and emotional development心理健康:psychological soundness (or well-being/welfare)学习能力(先天)aptitude(n.); talent (n.)学习能力(后天)ability (n.); skill(n.)给学生以动力:give the students motivation to do sth.; motivate the students to do sth.青少年:adolescents (n.); youngsters (n.); youths (n.)传授知识:impart (or inculcate) knowledge灌输高尚的道德观:instill high oral values (value复数)给学生以灵感:give the students though (or inspiration)家长的教育方式:parenting (n.); upbringing (n.)教学法:teaching methodology; pedagogical methodology适应:adapt to sth.; adjust oneself to sth.; become accustomed to sth.学生对老师所教知识的掌握:students’ grasp (or command) of what has been taught就业技能:employable (or marketable) skills填鸭式教法教学生:force-feed the students学生不应该只是被动接受知识的容器:students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas死记硬背:learn things by rote为了记忆而记忆:memorize for memorization’s own sake责任感:a sense of obligation记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律: memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws盲从:follow sth. blindly; follow sth. Indiscriminately限制创造力的发展:extinguish (stifle/constrain) creativity打击学生的积极性:dampen (or sap) the students’ enthusiasm frustrate the students产生不必要的压力:beget (or create) undue pressure塑造某人的性格:Mold one’s character把学生分开教育:segregate students逆境:adverse circumstances; adversity (n.)在理解的基础上学习:learn things through understanding鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题:encourage the students to think critically学生的反馈:students’ feedback; students’ input学生评价老师的教学:student appraise/evaluate their teachers’ performance课外活动:extra-curricular activities; after-school activities学校是社会的缩影:a school is society in miniature不遵守纪律(名词): indiscipline; misbehavior; mischief违反纪律的学生:disruptive students; unruly students理论知识:theoretical knowledge全面发展的:well-rounded; versatile为社会健康发展做贡献:contribute to societal well-being (or welfare)文科总称:liberal studies; arts小(中、大)学教育:primary-level (or secondary-level/tertiary-level) education职业教育:vocational education (training)
with the booming of the economywith the remarkable improvement of people living standardadvanced science and technologyadd much spice/flavor to our daily lifeIt is commonly /generally /widely / believed /acknowledged /supposed /accepted /considered /perceived that…I give my vote to the former/latter opinion.sth. has aroused wide public concern. /sth. has drawn great public attention.It is undeniable that… /It cannot be denied that / There is no denying (不可否认) the fact thata heated/spirited/hot discussion/debatea controversial/ disputable issue /questions/problems/mattersAs far as I am concerned, /Personally, /From my perspective, /As for me,be supported by sound reasons / There are good reasons to support it13.双方的论点argument on both sidesplay an increasingly important role in.…15.对……必不可少be indispensable to…As the proverb goes /says /As the saying goes,exert positive/negative effects on…The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.lead to/give rise to /contribute to /result in /triggera complicated social phenomenonsense of responsibility/ achievementsense of competition and cooperationwiden one’s horizon/broaden one’s visionacquire knowledge and skillsfinancial burden/psychological burdentake many factors into considerationbe beneficial to/be conducive to…make contributions to the societylay a solid foundation for…satisfy/meet the needs of…a reliable source of informationvaluable natural resourcesin all aspects of human lifeenvironmentally friendly materialsa symbol of society progresssth. has greatly facilitated people’s lives.hold different attitudes towards this issueintegrate theory with practice48.必然趋势an irresistible trend of…the increasingly keen social competitionimmediate interest/short-term interest51长远利益 long-term interesthave its own merits and demerits/ pros and consdo harm to / be harmful to /be detrimental toexchange ideas/emotions /informationkeep pace with 1 keep abreast with the latest development of … the healthy development of … attach great importance to … focus one’s time and energy on… expand one’s scope of knowledgeboth physically and mentallybe directly / indirectly related to…give rise to / lead to / spell various problemsbelieve, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view thatgive (top) priority to sth.compared with …/in comparison withdegradable / decomposable materialreplace / substitute 1 take the place ofmirror the social progress / advancemake full use of / take advantage ofsuffer from heavier work pressureguarantee the stability and prosperity of our societyadapt oneself to the social developmentThe main / leading reasons are listed as followsWe still have a long way to
Designing principles for the National English Curriculum
a. Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.
The English curriculum aims education for all students and stresses quality-oriented education. The new standards particularly show concerns over students’ affective needs as well as other learning needs in order to stimulate their interests in learning, help them experience the sense of success, and gain self-confidence in learning. Its overall objective is to develop students’ comprehensive abilities in using the language and to improve their cultural quality, to develop their practical skills, as well as to cultivate their creative spirit.
b. Promote learner-centeredness, and respect individual differences.
Students’ overall development is the motivation and goal of the English curriculum. Therefore, its objective, the teaching process, the assessment procedures as well as the development of teaching resources should all reflect the principle of learner-centered approach. Classroom teaching should become a process during which students are guided by the teachers in constructing knowledge, developing skills, being active in thinking, demonstrating personal characters, developing intelligence and broadening their views and visions. Teaching should take full consideration of students’ individual differences in learning process and their learning styles and teaching should be flexible in using teaching methods, resources and ways of assessment so as to make teaching beneficial to all kinds of students.
c. Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability.
The overall aim of the curriculum or nine-year compulsory education is to develop students’ comprehensive abilities in language use. Such abilities are grounded in the development of language skills, language knowledge, affects, cultural awareness and learning strategies. The English curriculum for nine-year compulsory education together with the related senior high school English curriculum divides the English teaching objectives into nine levels. Each level is described in terms of what students can do with the language. It is thus designed to reflect the progressive nature of students’ language development during the process of school education so as to ensure the integrity, flexibility and openness of the curriculum.
d. Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation.
Modern foreign language teaching emphasizes the learning process and advocates the use of different teaching approaches and methods for the purpose of facilitating students’ language development.
During the process of learning English in nine-year compulsory education, students should be encouraged to discover rules of the language, master gradually language knowledge and skills, constantly monitor the affective demands, develop effective learning strategies and autonomous learning abilities by means of experiencing, practicing, participating, exploring and cooperating under the teacher’s guidance.
e. Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.
The assessment for the nine-year compulsory education should be geared to stimulating students’ interests and cultivating their autonomy in learning. The system should include both formative and summative assessment with formative assessment playing a primary role, paying special attention to students’ language performance and achievements during the learning process.
Assessment should be made facilitative to developing students’ interests and self-confidence in learning. Summative assessment should focus on assessing students’ overall language ability and the ability to use the language. Assessment should function positively for students to develop language abilities and healthy personalities; for teachers to improve their teaching qualities and for the development and improvement of the English curriculum.
f. Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language.
English curriculum requires that teachers should properly utilize and develop teaching resources so as to provide rich and healthy resources that are practical, lively, updated for students’ learning.
Teachers should make full use of various resources such as videos, television programs, books, magazines and the Internet so as to expand the opportunities for students to learn and use the language. Also teachers should encourage students to take part in exploring and utilizing resources for learning.
1. A child miseducated is a child lost. ---- John F. Kennedy2. Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ---- W. B. Yeats3. Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them. ----Bill Gates.4. Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. ---- Aristotle5. The solution to adult problems tomorrow depends in large measure how our children grew up today. ----Margaret Mead6. education has for its object the formation of character. ----Spenser7. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 8. Teaching others teaches yourself.9. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.10. Education costs money, but then so does ignorance. ----Sir Claus Moser11. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. ----Aristotle12. Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence. ----Robert Frost教育是这样一种能力,即在倾听所有事物时不会丧失仪表或自信。13. With talent, you do what you like. With genius, you do what you can. ----Jean Ingres有才能的人,做自己喜爱的事;有天赋的人,做自己能做的事。14. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life. ----Chinese Proverb15. Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ----Cicero16. Then only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing. ----John Powell17. A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight. ----Robertson Davies一本真正伟大的书应该在青年时读,然后在成熟后读,最后在老年时还要读。正如一个优美的建筑应该在晨光中看,中午再看,最后在月光中看。18. Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind. ----James Lowell19. In education we are striving not to teach youth to make a living, but to make a life. ----W. A. White教育不是为了教会青年人谋生,而是教会他们创造生活。20. The window to the world can be covered by a newspaper. ---- Stanislaw Lec教师招聘考试的目的是为各中小学选拔合格优秀的教育一线教师,了解一些前沿科学的教育理论和观点是百利而无一害的,除此以外,大家在备考教育教学类作文时也要注意积累足够的词汇搭配和句型,这样才能够在英语写作中更好地将作文审题立意阶段确定表达的内容完整无误地表述出来。
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