【导读】福建事业单位考试网提供:2018福州大学博士后科研流动站热忱欢迎您。福建事业单位考试交流群:643030180,更多福建事业单位考试资讯请关注福建华图微信公众号:fjhtgw 福建事业单位微信公众号(fjsyzk),福建事业单位培训咨询电话:0591-87618197,微信咨询请扫描下方二维码:
Fuzhou University, founded in 1958, is located in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. It is the world's first-class discipline construction university, which is jointly run by the Fujian Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education of China. Fuzhou University has 11 postdoctoral research stations, 11 doctor programs of first-level disciplines , 2 doctor programs of second-level disciplines, 39 master programs of first-level disciplines, 12 programs authorized of conferring professional degree, and more than 10,700 graduate student. By the end of January 2018, its disciplines of chemistry, engineering and material science are rated among the world’s 1% disciplines by ESI (Essential Science Indicators).
序号 | 现有博士后科研流动站站点 | 所在学院(单位)名称 | 联系人 |
联系电话 (0591) |
电子邮箱 |
1 | 化学 | 化学学院 | 方昱婷 | 22866227 | hxky@fzu.edu.cn |
2 | 化学工程与技术 | 石油化工学院 | 刘文慧 | 22865226 | whliubobo@fzu.edu.cn |
3 | 土木工程 | 土木工程学院 | 张静 | 22865352 | zhangjing_nt@126.com |
4 | 电气工程 | 电气工程与自动化学院 | 郑丽华 | 22866599 | 1005363641@qq.com |
5 | 数学 | 离散数学与理论计算机研究中心 | 邓楠 | 83846655 | dana@fzu.edu.cn |
6 | 管理科学与工程 | 经济与管理学院 | 周小红 | 22866463 | 21496325@qq.com |
7 | 电子科学与技术 | 物理与信息工程学院 | 周雄图 | 18046054165 | xtzhou@fzu.edu.cn |
8 | 材料科学与工程 | 材料科学与工程学院 | 梁滢 | 22866532 | liang_y_fzu@163.com |
9 | 机械工程 | 机械工程及自动化学院 | 宋长英 | 22866261 | scy126@fzu.edu.cn |
10 | 工商管理 | 经济与管理学院 | 周小红 | 22866463 | 21496325@qq.com |
11 | 信息与通信工程 | 物理与信息工程学院 | 林丽群 | 18960919459 | 50066717@qq.com |
Postdoctoral Research Stations in Fuzhou University
Number | Name of the Stations | Names of Colleges(Units) to Which the Stations Belong | Contact | Contact Number(0591) | E-mail Address |
1 | Chemistry | Chemistry College | Fang Yuting | 22866227 | hxky@fzu.edu.cn |
2 | Chemical Engineering and Technology | Petrochemical Technology College | Liu Wenhui | 22865226 | whliubobo@fzu.edu.cn |
3 | Civil Engineering | Civil Engineering College | Zhang Jing | 22865352 | zhangjing_nt@126.com |
4 | Electrical Engineering | Electrical Engineering and Automation College | Zheng Lihua | 22866599 | 1005363641@qq.com |
5 | Mathematics | Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Research Center | Deng Nan | 83846655 | dana@fzu.edu.cn |
6 | Management Science and Engineering | Economics and Management College | Zhou Xiaohong | 22866463 | 21496325@qq.com |
7 | Electronic Science and Technology | Physics and Information Engineering College | Zhou Xiongtu | 18046054165 | xtzhou@fzu.edu.cn |
8 | Material Science and Engineering | Material Science and Engineering College | Liang Ying | 22866532 | liang_y_fzu@163.com |
9 | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering and Automation College | Song Changying | 22866261 | scy126@fzu.edu.cn |
10 | Business Administration | Economics and Management College | Zhou Xiaohong | 22866463 | 21496325@qq.com |
11 | Information and Communication Engineering | Physics and Information Engineering College | LIN Liqun | 18960919459 | 50066717@qq.com |
Fuzhou University Postdoctoral Research Stations
TEL: 0591-22865501,Wang,Huang,Mail:yjsybgb@fzu.edu.cn
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